Vie Clutch sur STI 2009?!

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Scooby Accredited
Messages : 79
Inscription : ven. févr. 24, 2012 7:16 am

Vie Clutch sur STI 2009?!

Message par danmcd17 »

I have a 2009 sti with 120000km on it... I want to know how many KM usually before a clutch change is needed? I dont do any rally or racing..

On my civic si was about 160000 and my type-s same thing.. just wondering about the sti.

any help?
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Brown Sox Trouble Maker
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Inscription : jeu. janv. 24, 2002 11:58 am

Re: Vie Clutch sur STI 2009?!

Message par Mister_Wagon »

It all depends of your driving... Hard to answer that one ...
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Scooby FREAK
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Re: Vie Clutch sur STI 2009?!

Message par huck_this »

Usually a clutch is supposed to last the lifetime of the car. It all depends on how the person drives the car. How many people do you see still backing up slap it in first and use the clutch as brakes to slow and then go off! :facepalm: Changing brakes is cheaper than changing a clutch at 60 000km intervals! :roll:

Also, how many do you hear slipping clutches between gear shifts. I hear it often with Civics with fart cans! :facepalm:

Most don't rev match when they down shift either. Every time you drop a gear and slowly let go of the clutch, well there again, you are using the clutch as a brake. :wink:
The H6 whore!!! :)
Scooby FREAK
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Inscription : sam. avr. 13, 2002 7:46 pm
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Re: Vie Clutch sur STI 2009?!

Message par scooby_doo »

It could be time for a new one, mine last around 75k but I do 99% of city driving.
Scooby Accredited
Messages : 79
Inscription : ven. févr. 24, 2012 7:16 am

Re: Vie Clutch sur STI 2009?!

Message par danmcd17 »

Ahh that makes sense Huck.. Thanks man... I'm at 120k and no issues yet just wondering if anyone had a general idea... My Type-s and civic si both k20s always was about 160k